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I believe in the therapeutic frame: a dedicated time and place just for you to talk about whatever is on your mind. People may use the space differently. Some to identify things they wish to change (and what gets in the way of change). Others to better understand loved ones and more deeply understand how relationship pattens get reenacted. 


Together, we can look at the pieces and make sense of them. We can be curious about what is coming up for you-- in your thoughts, feelings and in your body. Sometimes you may come in and not know what to talk about. We can talk about that too. 

“It's a transformative experience to simply pause instead of immediately fill up the space. By waiting, we begin to connect with fundamental restlessness as well as fundamental spaciousness."

-Pema Chödrön


Therapy is a relationship. The person of the therapist is as important to the work as is the client. Each mutually influence each other. Through this process, unconscious relational processes and patterns are uncovered. For example, in our sessions, I may do or say things that remind you of someone you know and you may have feelings about it. Therapists call this phenomenon “transference” and exploring and speaking to it can be an important part of our work together. 


Here is a short video about transference: 


While psychotherapy consists of one or two sessions a week, psychoanalysis consists of three or more sessions a week. The frequency of sessions leads to deeper and longer-lasting results as there is more time for the therapeutic relationship to develop and for change to occur. If you are interested in psychoanalysis, we can explore this as an option in our work. 

Couples & Relationships

I am an Imago Couples therapist in training. Imago therapy is an effective way to address relationship & marital difficulties. The benefits of Imago therapy are not limited to couples. Family members, business partners can also benefit from improved communication. For more about Imago therapy click here. 

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